Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wait...we have a dishwasher?

Do you want to talk about molding eating habits?  I think we should.  Just in case any of you out there have children, husbands, wives, pets etc, we need to set the standard for eating habits.  If you haven’t quite gotten the picture of my childhood following my story, by the end of this you will.  I have eaten enough bad meals to stay healthy but man, can I eat a lot, fast!  It’s like there was going to be a major award at the last bite.  Where’s my leg lamp?  Why eat slowly?  Would you rather eat poor to mediocre food hot or cold?  Yes, me too.  At least hot has killed any possible contamination, bacteria, e-coli, salmonella etc.  I still eat fast.  I don’t know why, my cooking is quite good.  I should just relax and enjoy.  But I can’t, I have to gobble my meals like there is someone around the corner ready to steal any morsel left on my plate.  And speaking of the plate, my plate is always cleaned.  I wouldn’t want to get in trouble!  If you can detect any portion of my meal on my plate, I am not finished.  My plate will be ready for the cupboard not the dishwasher when I’m done. 
                Because of the meals I was served in my youth, I still despise canned salmon, canned tuna, canned vegetables and TV Dinners.  Oh there is definitely more to come on that frozen 4 compartment tray of plenty in future blogs.  I still love cereal, peanut butter toast and chocolate milk.  My palate has received much abuse.  I would like to think most of my bad experiences have been overcome, but those haunting memories of home cooked delicacies continue to stalk my sub-conscious taste buds like ninjas in the dark.  The silent stalking ninjas slice and dice to bring my mother’s plates of horror back into the conscious.  The long painful hours of rehabilitation have taken its toll.  My life can never be the same.  So please be careful of what you serve or eat.  It can be a difficult road to eating enlightenment. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot stop laughing at these!! I live in Spencerville and your sister was a yr older than me! Too good!!!