Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hi-C you!

Hi-C grape juice; my favorite juice in the entire world.  I could drink the better part of the entire can.  Remember having to use the pointed, chisel side of the can opener to seek access to the yummy goodness inside?  Ohhhh and there was nothing that gave me more satisfaction than opening that fresh can and drinking right from that frayed metal edge.  I swear my mom had x-ray vision.  Without her presence, she would yell down the hallway, “Stop drinking from the can!”  How did she know?  She couldn’t have seen me.  I’m behind the fridge door, there’s no possible way she even knew I was in the fridge.  Anyway I drank this juice every day of my childhood.  I made Hi-C frozen juice pops with my Popsicle making Tupperware.  My dad and I, believe it or not, made ice cream floats with this juice, no root beer.  I would drink this for breakfast, lunch and sometimes for a nightcap, Hi-C grape from the can.  Every now and then my mom would buy the orange.  This however was not the same; the grape always had top billing in my world.  I love my mom for buying this juice.  This simple act of keeping her son happy may have been her greatest triumph as a mother.  There is nothing more important in my world than having a can of cold Hi-C grape juice in the fridge and a spare in the cupboard.  Now I don’t recall if this juice was high or low on the nutritional scale but even if it were only 10% real juice, it was 100% keeping me content.  Keeping her only son 100% happy should have been my mother’s main concern.  She succeeded!  My Hi-C Grape in a can, in the fridge, childhood could not be any better.  Kudos to my mom, Marie!

1 comment:

Joey Sullivan said...

My vote goes to the Hi-C orange. Late nights at Daylight Doughnuts in Pullman.