Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, deer anyone?

I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving.  My memories of the holiday meals are not bad, they are very special.  It is a time of forgetting troubles, bills, frustrations and especially the waist line.  This is the time to get out that pair of pants that give you the most room for expansion.  Every holiday, after eating the meal, my aunt and uncle would go “looking for deer.”  I may be pretty naïve, because I’m still unsure what that really meant.  I don’t think you can get in a car, drive around rural Allen County and actually see deer.  Upon their return, they always proclaimed “we saw a couple of does and a small buck.”  Whatever!  You didn’t see anything, especially my aunt, if you get my point.  Now I’m totally off the subject!  The one I remember most is the day our family went to the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan to watch the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game.  It was 1991, the Lions were playing da Bears.  The trip took the entire day.  This was the first time our family did not go to my grandmother’s house.  The day was still very special to me because it was un-clear what our plans were for dinner.  Our lunch was stadium food.  After the game we were driving home and I think my mom suggested we eat at the next Cracker Barrel we could find.  My family had turkey dinner in a restaurant somewhere between Pontiac, Michigan and Spencerville, Ohio.  The food I do not recall, but this, non-traditional, Thanksgiving is still etched in my memory.  So enjoy the holiday weekend, football, family, and everything about being together.  These times are numbered, make them all count.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING


Anonymous said...

Keep it up, this is good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Shucks , you city folk may not see deer in your county, but around these parts we see'em every day. Just had 6 in my backyard last night. Its hard to drive around the neighboring counties and NOT see or hit one. Here in po dunk we even offer venison along with our turkey and canned peas.